Our Mission
The Surge is bringing together skilled individuals and talented craftsmen from all around the world to the Kona campus to complete the construction of several key facilities for this strategic hub of the international university and missions movement.

Kona Hawaii Project
As one of the largest YWAM U of N training and ministry centers, the Kona, Hawaii campus attracts people from all over the globe to explore their God-given calling in a family-friendly atmosphere. Commitment to bringing people together into this transformational community together propels future campus development.
To accommodate the exponential growth of our student body and volunteer staff, the campus is undertaking a major development program. The expansion includes a new cafeteria, transmedia and arts facilities, sports facilities, new classrooms, and additional housing for students and staff.
Transmedia Center
The Lokahi Transmedia Center is a 30,000 square foot facility that houses a variety of dynamic studios engaged in the creation of transmedia projects and "on-the-project" training opportunities. Facilities include a top-notch post production facility with multiple editorial bays and telepresence suites, as well as sound recording studios, soundproof practice rooms, green screen and motion capture stages, and photography studios. The cross-discipline community atmosphere will stimulate a synergistic environment and give rise to fresh original works and new innovative technologies. We need your help to make this a reality!
As our student and volunteer staff numbers grow, we need a kitchen and cafeteria facility that will accommodate the needs of our dynamic community. Presently serving 3000 meals a day out of our cramped and outdated kitchen, we are not just due for a renovation, but for a large, state of the art kitchen and a spacious designated cafeteria space!
Student Dorms
We are excited to be in a season of exponential growth on the Kona campus. Students from over 50 countries continue to arrive to know God and make Him known.
Our dormitories are maxed out! We are at a critical moment where we do not want to turn anyone away who is called to the nations. We need your help to complete these dormitories, and fast! Come to the Kona Summer Surge and lets make it happen!
Staff Housing
Missionaries in Hawaii? You bet! In fact, our entire volunteer full-time staff have come to the Kona campus from all over the world. Singles, couples, and families that are committed to see transformation in all areas of society, globally, and locally – we call it 'glocal'!

Mailing Address:
University of the Nations
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy.
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Phone: 808-987-0569
Project Coordinator
Chris Zimmermand & Jay King